Thursday, May 29, 2014

Where my 'Thursday' at?

I am in the midst of writing the test and I am basing the China portion (the questions are all short answer basically) equally on the presentations and the textbook to accommodate for the two students who didn't hear any of the presentations.
80% of the world's toys are made in China... okay, that was a no brainer but did you know that the fastest train in the world is in Shanghai, travelling at 431km/h?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A C H I N A P A S T ...

Today in class we were wow-ed with the fact of China's past through the presentation of our fellow peeps. Homegurl KWEESY will bring down the fact of the present tomorrow with the Human Rights. Homework? Well duuuhhhh... pick up that might fine textbook of ours and let your senses be indulged with pages 326-331. Test is on Friday, so get on it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Hello All of You
Today we worked on our designated project groups so tomorrow we will be presenting findings. Remember your being marked on what you know,  how much you know of it and how well you deliver it.
Enjoy Your Night, Looking Forward To All The Projects



Monday, May 26, 2014

Post-Prom Lyfe

Soooo today in class, we went over the pages that were assigned to read over the weekend (until 226), and Mrs. Loconte allowed us to split off into groups for Wednesday's presentation (to teach the class our designated Chapter 10 subject in a more colorful way that your standard, run-of-the-mill PREZZI aka nothing wordy and boring)

We set the test date for this Friday's class which will be based on points taught to the class by grous on Wednesday, so pay attention and know your subject inside and out!

Your homework is just to do your research and work on your presentation for Wednesday and tomorrow's class will be much of the same as well :)

Fun fact: Wearing headphones for just one hour will increase the amount of bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

More "Bus Homework"

Hi everyone, we recently started the Asia at the Crossroads chapter. Your homework is simply to read up till pg 326 and prepare to answer the questions on that page.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It go halle berry o hallelu! It tudeday!

If you weren't with it (smh): 
We started with a real cute quiz, then we had some time to work with our debate teams so we can smash our opponents (with facts) tomorrow! Finally we were graced with the great Rose, gave us the REAL South Africa, broke it down! NO shade! 

Prep for our debate, although we get time to work together at the beginning of class! 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Claire's Blog

So here's whats up.
1. Read your debate handouts given by Mrs. Loconte over the weekend so that you can be better prepared to collaborate with your team mates.
2. Also take the time to read the Viewpoints of the chapter: page 306 in your text book
3. Bring in your SIGNED tests for Tuesday  as well

Your groups are as follows:

Claire Charissa
Yohann Katrina
Abi Brittany
Matthew James
Charlotte Nick

Have a fantastic long weekend guys!

“The pianokeys are individually black and white
but they sound like a million colors in your mind” 
~ Maria Cristina Mena

Let me (Loconte) also add that:
A) You will have a quiz on this Chapter on Tuesday.                  
B) Claire, Yohann, Abi, Matthew, Charlotte will be on the Affirmative side of the argument needing to be resolved: Yes Africa should solve its problems itself (to paraphrase)
C) As we are not having a test, I expect your Tuesday's notes to be well thought-out and articulated. Typed or hand written, your reasons provided should demonstrate that you have done the required readings as outlined by Claire and given serious thought to contributing to your team's side. I will collect these after the debate.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Homework on a Thursday night.

you're homework, should you choose to accept it, (and, come to think of it, even if you don't accept it.) is to read from where we left off on page 292, all the way to page 300.

Random fact: every U.S. President has needed glasses. Not all of them wore them in public.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Homework for Today.

Page 286 - 292 READ IT.
Also, do your oral research stuffs because you will have to present it tomorrow.
But wait! you don't need to hand in any notes because its just for an oral mark.

Good job.
Keep up the good work everyone.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

words, words, words

I'm assuming I'm the blogger today using deduction and assumption.

but I'm also assuming that you won't be reading this because you are all madly writing your essay, which is due tomorrow btw, i hope you all know that.

If you are grasping at straws and need a resource, the United Nations website is great to click around on.
The BBC website also has some stuff on the Cold War as well.

happy writing!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Who reads a blog at 11:24pm?

Maybe you:

Is THIS helpful?


Things have been a little chaotic in the old Loconte residence (in a good way!!) I've been distracted but not too distracted to notice that today's blogger is noticeably absent.
The test, I can't tell you too much, all I can say is that it will be easy but you will need to study hard to do well.
Let that enigmatic test layout serve you well.
Until tomorrow.

Friday, May 9, 2014


Its so sunny! hope everyone enjoys their weekend of sun and smiles. Today in class we talked about Soviets end and the many wars in Yugoslavia. Your homework this weekend is the read the sections you didn't read in class and then do the In Review questions on page 234. Decent answers, no paragraphs but enough to jog the ol memory when you read it back in class. Have fun in the sun 


FUN FACT: George Clooney is finally engaged! RIP to women hearts around the world. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rainy 'Rursday

Hey guys so today in class we discussed the questions from yesterday's reading and then read up until pg 228, finishing the class with a few clips on some of the events we've covered!
Your homework is to finish all the In Review questions on page 228.
Just a reminder that our essay is will be due this upcoming Wednesday, the 14th and that our Chapter 7 test has been set for this coming Tuesday!

That's all folks!

fun fact: The dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

Today we went over the Gorbachev era and the end of the Cold War. Our "bus homework", as James likes to call it, is to read up to page 224. Have a nice evening lads!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tricky Tuesdays

What's up, Historians-in-Training?
Our Chapter Six test took up all of class today, and so your homework tonight is to get started reading Chapter Seven from page 211 to 216. There are no review questions assigned, although I do suggest you give them a quick once-over, just to refresh your mind on the main points of your reading section :) If you feel like you haven't done very well on our Chapter test today, you've got Chapter Seven to make up for it - do your best!

Did You Know... the eagle logo used for the fashion company BOY London looks suspiciously identical to the logo most famously used by Hitler and the Nazi's symbolizing the Third Reich during WWII, minus the swastika. Creepy.

Monday, May 5, 2014


vague but true

no paragraphs/essays
good luck

Monday MondaY mONDAY

If you didn't know that we have a test on Chapter 6 + Focus Questions tomorrow... check yourself! 
Due dates to look out for: May 14th Unit 2 Essay

Today: We reviewed the UN and went over in review questions as a class. 

*Stay tuned for more news on the layout of the test*