Thursday, March 31, 2016

You asked for it

Kind of supports my Devo on Lying, no?

and then there's this "D'oh!" Where was he?!

It's Friday eve

Read the rest of the chapter, and do the rest of the questions.  Come prepared to work on song projects tomorrow.

FFOTD (Fun fact of the day):  Bananas are technically berries

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

No title

Sorry I almost forgot to post...

The history homework is to read page 131-134 and answer questions 11-12. Stop at D-Day.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Something's not 'Reich' here...

Seeing Nazi propaganda:

Today we shared our research on antisemitism in Europe and the Middle East, and started presenting our propaganda examples.

Tonight's homework: Read from 'The Battle of the Atlantic' on pg 128 in the Global Forces textbook to the end of 'The Holocaust' on pg 131, and do questions 6-10 138

Fun fact: Chocolate is lethal to mice, who are particularly attracted to a combination of chocolate and nuts.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Battle is Over, But The War Continues On

Hey Guys,

Today we discussed about the readings that we did for our past homework checks and received the criteria for the homework projects for spring break. We also continued reading in our textbooks.

Do your research project on anti-antisemitism and propaganda for the first day back.
Report for parts 1 & 2 should be one page double spaced.
1 - Research antisemitism in Europe and the Middle East
2- Discuss how it was justified by those who claimed to be Christian
3- Look at Nazi propaganda (of your topic) and share it with the class. (Can be Audio, Images, or Videos)

1- Hitler's Election Campaign - Jody
2- Jew/Antisemitism - Natalie
3- Other Undesirables/Eugenics - Audrey
4- Hitler as the Embodiment of "Ideal" - Maddy
5- Anti-Communism/Bolsheviks - Victoria
6- World War II - Hannah
7- Aryan Race/Nationalism - Amos
8- Textbooks/Children's Books/Mein Kampf - Derek

Arrive at around 8:45 on Monday for grad retreat!

Fun Fact: The "inside out rolls" or uramaki, is actually an adapted version of the original sushi rolls to better suit Westerners' tastes as some disliked the texture of seaweed.
Read more about it here!

Don't die or something over spring break everyone!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Just One More Day!!


Today we took a test on Chapter 3, and we also have some reading to do:
In our textbook, read 105-108 (Stopping at invasion of Russia) and in the Global Forces, pages 119-123 (Skip the part about Churchill!)

We will be asked questions for tomorrow's class.

Fact: Grad Retreat is in T-minus 3 days!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Enough with the Nazi Jokes

They make me Fuhrerious!
~Hitler, probably
Today we went over the beginning of World War II. Tomorrow is the big test on that great time between both wars so study a lot. Read page 105 to 108 for homework: there will be questions on this reading in class!
Good luck tomorrow guys!
Did you know: In Sweden, it is illegal to name your child Metallica, Superman, Veranda, Ikea, or Elvis

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Destroyer or Builder?

Today we went over the matching review sheets and then Derek presented on President Franklin D. Roosevelt. We also had a mini-debate on Stalin being a builder or destroyer. Guess you could say Team Builder got "destroyed".

Read pages 98-104 and answer all seven questions. Test on Thursday. Team Destroyer will get a bonus mark. Those on Team Builder will have a bonus question.

Fun Fact: All the planets can fit between the distance of the Earth and the Moon.