read 357 - 361
answer 1-3 on pg 374
read the first section of the Middle East chapter up to the in review
complete all but last q
Finish up the section and read pages 236-238
And finish the first 3 questions
questions 1-3 on page 234
Read B.H. & Serbia only
Read whatever will help you answer #1-5 on page 228.
Complete questions p.220
199-205 in 20th century viewpoints for the quiz tomorrow
* Complete all the In-Review questions on page 205
* Study for Korean & Suez quiz tomorrow
Quiz Monday, study pages 171-181, up to - but not including the Korean war
Complete in review questions on pg 195, #6-9
Read up to page 187 #1-8
Quiz tomorrow on Vietnam to end of chapter
Do the hw if you didnt do it in class
stay strong mujahidin