Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Lesson Learned

So today we began class with only four students until we were later joined by the remainder of our classmates, equally a grand total of six whole students. Mrs. Loconte cracked down on some unsportsmanlike locobucks dealings. We got our tests back (although this “we” does not include me seeing as I have not yet taken the test) and people were generally displeased with their marks. Let this be a lesson: READ THROUGH QUESTIONS CAREFULLY. We then reviewed chapter 2 which there will be a test on during Friday’s class, at least I think that’s when it will happen. “I would rather lose in a cause that will someday win, than win in a cause that will someday lose.” President Woodrow Wilson. We went over some notes and then Friday’s homework. After, we were assigned homework for tomorrow: read Post-War Security and do questions 9-14 on page 27. I wasn’t sure if we decided to do the history quote thing, but as you can see, I went with it.

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