Friday, May 3, 2013

Mrs Loconte reporting live from the classroom...

I look out my window and all I see is sunshine and all I hear is birds tweeting and  I wish I was out there with you guys froliocking in the wonderfulness of spring (okay I know you are not actually frolicking but I am here  in PTS conferences while you are free as birds)

Please complete the reading of The Hungarian Revolution and Berlin...there are no questions but I will be asking you a bunch when you get back.

Test Tuesday

and Jan you are overdue for a Case study on Sweet Caporals. It's kind of a cool case study so please have that prepared for Monday.
Jordan you also have a biography on Tito please come to class on this for Monday (sorry, I forgot to mention this in class)

Interesting Factoid-

The term “cold war” goes back to a 14th-century medieval writer named Don Juan Manuel, who referred to the uneasy peace between Muslims and Christians in Spain. But it was George Orwell, in a piece titled “You and the Atomic Bomb,” who applied the term as we know it best to the protracted economic, geopolitical and ideological battle between the United States, the Soviet Union and their shifting allies.

Read more:

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