Monday, June 10, 2013

I post; therefore I am!

We finished chapter 16: Eastern European countries said 'Enough, already!', With nobody left to boss around the Soviet Union said, 'Meh, we quit too!'. And that was the end of Communism. (in a nut shell- the tiniest of tiny nut shells).
No, but really, you probably won't even be looking at this tonight as you have bigger things going on like wearing a tassle and traipsing across a stage.

But should you happen to peek on this site for the last time or so, you will see that you have one more case study to complete. You know who you are:

Jordan p 298
Curtis p 299
Colleen p 302
Taylor p 308

These are all due tomorrow.

There will be a powerpoint and review.
Essays have been marked and will be handed back and your mark for your oral reporting will also be given.

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