Wednesday, February 26, 2014

BACK IN THE USSR, you don't know how lucky you are...

Whatzzzup u'all historians?? In class today, we went over Russia/USSR, the fall of its empire and the rise of Lenin and his communist ideologies. Your task tonight is to write a paragraph about a specific topic on the country you chose previously. Have a nice evening!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Riggidy Rad

Couldn't think of a witty title. Sorry, guys.

Anyway, we really just worked on our projects for the whole block. Tonight's assignment is to have read errthang up to page 75. Also, don't forget that our projects are due this Friday, so I suggest working on yours a little more tonight. "A little sweat saves a lot of blood", right? (figuratively speaking).

DID YOU KNOW (you probably didn't): bone marrow transplant recipients often inherited the donor's immunities and allergies.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday 24th, (what should have been a snow day)

- Reading for the next two days Pages 68-75.  You should be at page 75 by Wednesdays class.
- Continue working on project, there's time in class.
- Sign test if you haven't! (y'all a mess and a half if you haven't already)

Today's Class
- Spent time working in our groups!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Lots of Things to Do!

Hope you guys are enjoying your afternoon/evening/night whenever you're reading this.
There's a lot of stuff assigned in today's class so let's just get right down to it.

For tomorrow:
  • The causes and outcomes of WWI flowchart. Write 2 points for each bubble except for 'Propaganda'
  • Read the handout 'The Influenza Epidemic' and answer the questions in point form
  • Also read both sides of the 2nd handout (was Germany responsible for the outbreak of WWI), we will have a debate about it in class. 
For Thursday:
  • Focus Questions on pg. 33. Answer the questions fully for marks!!
  • Timeline. Include notable events leading up to and after WWI
Also a fun BBC kids video about the cause of WWI: 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Historians & fellow peers;
This post is to address that which is our homework, a tasks that must be completed to the fullest extent. Over the course of our class we were lead my a leader not versed in the subject matter so we individually worked. Our tasks for the day is to complete the "Causes and Outcomes of the War" with two points for each item, omit propaganda. However remember that our test and timeline for unit one is on Thursday.

FYI: The average lead pencil will write a line about 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Hello fellow classmate extraordinaire!
Today in class we touched base on the ending of WW1 the causes and the new tech that altered the way we fought wars. Your homework this weekend is to do the sheet that was handed out in class today, find an article, print and paste it on the sheet or note the major points of it. Then go off and find some photos that show what was  talking about. Finally be ready to present these findings, in means of either picture, power point presentation or over head. Be ready to present these on Monday.
Have a love filled weekend

Katrina <3

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Butter Pecan Ain't as Sweet as This

Found it relevant and worth a smile: Shortest History of World


Hey guuys,

So today in class, we discussed the homework questions, read the textbook from page 46 until we reached the subtitle 'Technology'. We also watched a short video which went a bit more in depth about the history of the First World War. 
Your homework today is to read from 'Technology' and 'USA' up until page 55; no review questions are due! As well, at the close of the chapter, there will be a timeline due consisting of the dates 1914 - 1918, as detailed as possible. 

Lastly, we set our Chapter 2 test for next Thursday, the 20th! 

FUN FACT: Beyoncé's favourite ice cream flavour is butter pecan! (just in case you were wondering!) 

Thanks everybody, stay frosty! 


Wednesday's Homework

We went over WWI notes and a video in class. Homework is to read up to page 46 and answer Q 1-4 on that page.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ohana Means Family


Today we went over our homework, had our Chapter One quiz, and briefly touched on imperialism and whether or not such a policy is justifiable.

Tonight's homework is simply reading pages 33-36. No questions assigned, although you are free to look over the two study questions and prepare to share your thoughts for discussion tomorrow.

Happy reading~

PS: it is recommended that you download the CBC News app on your phone for easy access to current events and updates, woo!
that's where she'll be getting her current event quiz questions btw just sayin' easy marks whaddup

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, Feb 6th

To all the History Goons,


Summarized the Chapter, went over key words. Worked on worksheet.  Talked about important wars during the turn of the century.  


- Skill Builder p. 109 #'s 1-4
- Read pages 28-29 from textbook
- 1 page justification of question on p. 29 in textbook
- Chapter 1 Quiz

~mamase mamasa mamakusa~

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Good evening history twelve.
Today we went over the sexism quotes we found yesterday, and finished reading through chapter one in class.

The homework for tonight is the Focus Questions on page five, pertaining to the chapter.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4'14

Today we talked about injustices, specifically women's suffrage, that cause individuals and groups in society to stand against the state and have that freedom to demand change if it impedes on a person's 'life, health, liberty or possessions.'

"We are nothere to ask for a reform or gift but a right - not mercy, but for justice." (Nellie McClung)

In addition, we discussed the relationship between the state and society and the obligations we are both called to uphold and honour. Even though as grade 12 students we are underage and politics seem almost irrelevant, I challenge you to consider some aspects of the state that do have a direct impact on us as the younger members of society. How can we demonstrate essential goodness that is characteristic of humans in our 'natural condition?'

Homework status for tonight:
- finish chapter reading from page 12-14
- answer the question posed in regards to figure 1.6 on page 10 in your textbook
- go to and find a quote that is shockingly blatant and be ready to present it to the class


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Welcome to History 2014

First thing to do is sign up so you can post on this blog:

I will send you all invitations to be authors on this blog via carvermail.
Accept my invitation and we will blog classwork discussions and homework alphabetically.

Let's begin!