Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Compassion vs Lack Thereof

Prior to our presentations today, Ms. Loconte read a passage from the Old Testament (Numbers 25) that had caught her interest before class. She compared the zealousness of God depicted in this passage to a portion of C.S. Lewis' "The Joyful Christian", which shows God's loving side. This was a good reading because the themes of kindness and love contrast with the ruthlessness of leaders we learned about today. Dylan and Nathan presented Lenin (Father of Communism) and April and Deirdre introduced Mussolini.

Homework: Read pg. 69-75 (including bio on Lenin); do all the questions on top of pg. 75 from 20th C which covers the presentation that we had today. Ms. Loconte will not be here tomorrow ("yes" -Ingram) so have them done by Thursday. 

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