Monday, March 4, 2019

Why do we call it the GREAT depression?

Hi everyone!
In class today, we reviewed the homework on America's involvement in the war. Mrs. Loconte gave us two review sheets: one for vocab and a graphic organizer of key terms.

Homework for tomorrow: Read pages 93-94 about Stalin in the Twentieth Century Viewpoints textbook and complete the vocab matching review sheets.

Also for tomorrow, read whichever handout you were assigned today in class.
"Does the Book of Acts Command Socialism?" - Nathan, Amy, Ingram, Deirdre
"Did the First Christians Live Communally?" - Brian, Dylan, April

Other Reminders:
Study for the chapter three test which is this Wednesday!
Your movie review is due not until April 11 after spring break. Don't forget about it and leave it to the last minute!

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