Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Peace and Calm

Today April did her oral report on Madame Mao. She had quite the interesting life. We spent the rest of the class working on our respective end of chapter projects. 

No homework unless you didn't do yesterday's. China project due on Monday, oral reports due at the end of the week.

Memes at Mrs. Loconte's request:

Image result for china history memes 20th cent.Related image

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Today in class we listened to Nathan Lam's great devotion about putting your faith in God regardless of it is according to your logic and then

watched videos on

  • Nelson Mandela
  • Tiananmen's Square
  • Russian Coup
  • and many others if I have forgotten

After we discussed our homework questions and did a little in-class reading

For the homework please read 254-260 of the global forces book 

No memes today 

only a picture of Mao ZeWONG

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Cat Goes "Mao"

Today in class we listened to Nathan Lam's devotion. We then went over the Great Leap Forward, Mao's leadership, the Cultural Revolution, Red Guard, and USSR/China/US relations.

We also read about the Tienanmen Square Massacre.


  • Complete #4-7 (20th C. Viewpoints, pg. 339)
  • Oral reports: Ingram (Ghandi), April (Madame Mao), Nathan (Xiaoping)
  • China assessment (due June 3) 

Friday, May 24, 2019


Today in class we talked India and Pakistan and Mrs.Loconte gave out oral reports during this block.

Homework for tonight:
Read up to the Tienanmen Square Massacre section in Twentieth Century.

Oral Reports
Ingram: Gandhi
April: Mao's Wife
Nathan: Dang Joa Bing
Brian: Xiao Long Bao

Thursday, May 23, 2019

I blessed the rains down in Africa

Today we held the Great African Debate on colonialism with the Affirmative side coming out on top. In the second block we completely wrapped up the chapter on Africa by watching videos on apartheid.

Today’s “Homework” 
ONLY READ pages 313, 314, 317 stopping at India.

Daily Meme:

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Small class

Today we had stellar attendance thanks to bubble tea and chapel. Brian missed his devotion.With half the class gone, Mrs. Loconte got us into South Africa. I was only there when we talked about its background and apartheid, but I'm sure more was discussed. Tomorrow we will finalize our debate arguments with our teams and get instruction from Mrs. Loconte on how to structure them. The debate has been moved from tomorrow to Thursday.

  • Read section on South Africa (pg. 292-305) and answer 1-6 on page 305 for a homework check tomorrow.
  • Have research for debate completed for tomorrow.
  • Debate is on THURSDAY now.

Image result for colonialism in africa memeRelated imageImage result for me linking everything back to colonialism / race

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Today we listened to Amy's devotion, did a homework check (it's actually #6 not #1), and worked for 15 minutes on our debate sides.

Tonight's homework: spend 30-60 minutes preparing notes for your side

Have fun :]

Monday, May 13, 2019


Today in class, Mrs Loconte decided that we would have a debate over the problems in Africa and to pinpoint whose fault it is. After that we learnt the many different rules on Debate from Mrs.Loconte and reviewed the homework questions afterwards.

Tonight's homework
Read Pages 306-309 (Twentieth Century)
Do question #1 on page 309

Friday, May 10, 2019

Happy Friday

Today we finished up the Cold War by taking a test on the end of the Cold War. We also were given a chance to work on homework which will be listed below.

Today’s Homework:
Read pages 175-192 in your 20th Century Viewpoints and complete Q’s #1-3
Oral reports that are due next week: Amy, Deirdre, and Dylan.
I’m not sure who’s doing what, so I hope you remember.

Daily Memes:
No memes today :(

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Happy 18th Birthday Amy!

Today in class during first block we reviewed the homework questions from the night before. Mrs. Loconte also showed us a few short video clips which explained where Russia is as a country today. During second block we finished the last 2 sections of the chapter (p.228-238) outside in the sunshine. We did not complete the two sets of textbook questions for the readings we read and these are not homework, but may be good practice for the test. We ended the class by filling in the review sheets Mrs. Loconte gave us.

Tonight's Homework: Chapter 7 Test (The End of the cold War) tomorrow! 

Other things to note: Amy & Deirdre, your oral presentations are due at the start of next week (Monday?)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Bring the marble jar!

Today we watched Gorbachev's stunning performance for Pizza Hut and a news report from when the Berlin Wall came down. We reviewed yesterday's homework questions about Gorbachev's reforms and the reunification of Germany. Then we listened as Nathan read to us about Yeltsin and the Moscow Coup.

Homework, cause that's what you're here for:

-Finish reading from where we left off up to page 228 in Twentieth Century Viewpoints. Answer 1-5 on page 228. Check out the map on page 227 and skip the Russia Today section, because that's old news now.
-Chapter 7 test is on Friday. It will be a strange, never before attempted, glasnost-esque test. Basically, we have no details, so study.
-Oral reports from Amy, Deirdre, and Dylan due next week.

Image result for gorbachev memesImage result for gorbachev memes
Poor Gorbachev...

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

i want to go home

Today we listened to April and Brian's oral presentations on denazification and the secretary general. We also watched a few videos and went over last night's homework.

Homework: pg. 216 #1-3 and pg. 220 #1-3

Monday, May 6, 2019

For Brian

In today’s class, we took our current events quiz and finished off the chapter on the United Nations in Twentieth Century Viewpoints by learning about the genocide in Rwanda. For homework, complete questions #4-7 on page 205 (TCVP).

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Who doesn't love Guam

Today we had an interesting double block where we first worked on our UN peacekeeping operations and after presented them. We also got a lovely presentation from Dilton (Nikita Kucherev) and Ingram (Tito)

Read Global Forces 160-172 and do Questions 10-14

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Someone Drive Me Home

Today in class we discussed the homework that was given to us the night before. Then we talked about the case study with Mrs.Loconte.

Remember to do your Case Study for tomorrow and to make sure it is done by Second Block.

Idr your different countries so gl.