Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Bring the marble jar!

Today we watched Gorbachev's stunning performance for Pizza Hut and a news report from when the Berlin Wall came down. We reviewed yesterday's homework questions about Gorbachev's reforms and the reunification of Germany. Then we listened as Nathan read to us about Yeltsin and the Moscow Coup.

Homework, cause that's what you're here for:

-Finish reading from where we left off up to page 228 in Twentieth Century Viewpoints. Answer 1-5 on page 228. Check out the map on page 227 and skip the Russia Today section, because that's old news now.
-Chapter 7 test is on Friday. It will be a strange, never before attempted, glasnost-esque test. Basically, we have no details, so study.
-Oral reports from Amy, Deirdre, and Dylan due next week.

Image result for gorbachev memesImage result for gorbachev memes
Poor Gorbachev...

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