Tuesday, April 9, 2013

k33p 17 3hunn4

2d4i 1n c1455, ha1f 0f u5 d1dn't d035 7h3 h0m3w0rk 50 w3 3nd3d up w1th 4n5w3rs lyk "pe0p1e5 d13d" 4nd "1dk". T0n1ght'5 h0m3w0rk  1s 70 r34d ch@p73r "7", 0 y@ J0rd4n and 50m3 57r4ng3r pr3s3nted th31r c453 5tud1es. 7ay10r has c4s3 57udy t0m0rr0w. pce pce pce pce

1 comment:

  1. K.I.S.S. (Something a teacher used to say to us students, and I never forgot. Allow me to pass on the torch)
