Friday, April 8, 2016

World War II: The Musical

A brief summary of today:

And the Tony goes to...

Today we presented our fantastic song projects!  Good job, everyone!  We also discussed post-war Japan and began talking about the UN.

This weekend's homework:
Do questions 1-8 on page 187 in the Twentieth Century Viewpoints textbook.  Also presumably read from the beginning of the chapter to said page.  I mean, you could try to do the questions without reading the textbook, but unless you're a United Nations expert and can answer any question about them blindfolded while hanging upside by your toes in a freezing dungeon, it's probably advisable to read the textbook.

Fun Fact: This is an honest, freely admitted Rick Roll.  Let us all enjoy the dulcet tones and smooth moves of Rick Astley (and Hitler!) together!                                                                                           

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