Monday, June 17, 2019

3 Days Left of Highschool Classes!!!

Today in class we reviewed the first half of the 20th century, via a powerpoint Mrs. Loconte presented.

Tonght's homework: complete both review packages of multiple choice questions handed out in class today. Also, please look over your oral report for the semester that were handed back in class, as tomorrow we will be self assessing ourselves and giving ourselves a mark for those.

Remember your movie reviews are due no later than Thursday, as that is the last day of class.

Relating to Today's talk..

Image result for paris peace conference memes

Friday, June 14, 2019

Movies Galore

Hello History Writers,

Today is the last Friday we have together, in fact, it was the last Friday of high school classes we'll ever have. We finished our penultimate week of grade 12 by searching for and watching movies for the movie review assignment. We sadly have homework and it is as follows:

1. Complete all the multiple choice questions on the "Promise and Collapse" sheet given to us by Mrs. Loconte.
2. Work on, preferably finish, your movie review. They are due before the term ends.

Found this one a while ago and had to share it
Image result for the f in communism stands for food

and for a more recent topic...
Image result for middle east memes gulf war

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Today we talked about the homework (#1-13) and watched the video by Prager University on why there isn't a Palestinian state. We also continued reading pages 219-220 (Iran-Iraq War).


  • We have a test on Thursday on Chapter 12 of Global Forces (The Middle East: Turbulence & Instability)
  • Read The Events of the War and Results of the War (pg. 220-221). Stop at the Gulf War. 
  • Do #14 and 15 of the homework questions. 

Monday, June 10, 2019

I really want that 91%

Today in class we finished the Israeli-Palestinian Documentary. After that Mrs.Loconte told us that there would be a test by the end of this week.

Tonight's Homework
Page 232 #1-13 Global Forces

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Empty chairs and empty tables...

Hey skippers,

Hope you had a fun day! Mrs. Loconte asked me to remind all of you that there is a current events quiz on Monday and that Ingram is on devotions next week. Also, Brian, Deirdre and I have oral reports due on Monday.


Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Convocation Tomorrow

Today we talked about the Arab-Israeli conflict and also covering the Six Day War.

Read 217-219 in Global Forces and provide one amazing fact about the Yom Kippur War.
Brian, Deirdre, and Amy have case studies. I do not remember which though.

No memes today.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Happy Birthday Mr. T!

In class we reviewed the homework questions on China that were supposed to be done by last Thursday (GF P. 273 #1-14) and this took up the majority of our shortened block. Mrs. Loconte then briefly introduced out new unit on the Middle East by going over some power point slides. 

Tonight's Homework: 
Global Forces - read pages 213-216, skipping the section on the Suez Crisis.
There are no questions for tonight, however read the section thoroughly, as Mrs. Loconte will ask us questions on it tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Peace and Calm

Today April did her oral report on Madame Mao. She had quite the interesting life. We spent the rest of the class working on our respective end of chapter projects. 

No homework unless you didn't do yesterday's. China project due on Monday, oral reports due at the end of the week.

Memes at Mrs. Loconte's request:

Image result for china history memes 20th cent.Related image

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Today in class we listened to Nathan Lam's great devotion about putting your faith in God regardless of it is according to your logic and then

watched videos on

  • Nelson Mandela
  • Tiananmen's Square
  • Russian Coup
  • and many others if I have forgotten

After we discussed our homework questions and did a little in-class reading

For the homework please read 254-260 of the global forces book 

No memes today 

only a picture of Mao ZeWONG

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Cat Goes "Mao"

Today in class we listened to Nathan Lam's devotion. We then went over the Great Leap Forward, Mao's leadership, the Cultural Revolution, Red Guard, and USSR/China/US relations.

We also read about the Tienanmen Square Massacre.


  • Complete #4-7 (20th C. Viewpoints, pg. 339)
  • Oral reports: Ingram (Ghandi), April (Madame Mao), Nathan (Xiaoping)
  • China assessment (due June 3) 

Friday, May 24, 2019


Today in class we talked India and Pakistan and Mrs.Loconte gave out oral reports during this block.

Homework for tonight:
Read up to the Tienanmen Square Massacre section in Twentieth Century.

Oral Reports
Ingram: Gandhi
April: Mao's Wife
Nathan: Dang Joa Bing
Brian: Xiao Long Bao

Thursday, May 23, 2019

I blessed the rains down in Africa

Today we held the Great African Debate on colonialism with the Affirmative side coming out on top. In the second block we completely wrapped up the chapter on Africa by watching videos on apartheid.

Today’s “Homework” 
ONLY READ pages 313, 314, 317 stopping at India.

Daily Meme:

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Small class

Today we had stellar attendance thanks to bubble tea and chapel. Brian missed his devotion.With half the class gone, Mrs. Loconte got us into South Africa. I was only there when we talked about its background and apartheid, but I'm sure more was discussed. Tomorrow we will finalize our debate arguments with our teams and get instruction from Mrs. Loconte on how to structure them. The debate has been moved from tomorrow to Thursday.

  • Read section on South Africa (pg. 292-305) and answer 1-6 on page 305 for a homework check tomorrow.
  • Have research for debate completed for tomorrow.
  • Debate is on THURSDAY now.

Image result for colonialism in africa memeRelated imageImage result for me linking everything back to colonialism / race

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Today we listened to Amy's devotion, did a homework check (it's actually #6 not #1), and worked for 15 minutes on our debate sides.

Tonight's homework: spend 30-60 minutes preparing notes for your side

Have fun :]

Monday, May 13, 2019


Today in class, Mrs Loconte decided that we would have a debate over the problems in Africa and to pinpoint whose fault it is. After that we learnt the many different rules on Debate from Mrs.Loconte and reviewed the homework questions afterwards.

Tonight's homework
Read Pages 306-309 (Twentieth Century)
Do question #1 on page 309

Friday, May 10, 2019

Happy Friday

Today we finished up the Cold War by taking a test on the end of the Cold War. We also were given a chance to work on homework which will be listed below.

Today’s Homework:
Read pages 175-192 in your 20th Century Viewpoints and complete Q’s #1-3
Oral reports that are due next week: Amy, Deirdre, and Dylan.
I’m not sure who’s doing what, so I hope you remember.

Daily Memes:
No memes today :(

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Happy 18th Birthday Amy!

Today in class during first block we reviewed the homework questions from the night before. Mrs. Loconte also showed us a few short video clips which explained where Russia is as a country today. During second block we finished the last 2 sections of the chapter (p.228-238) outside in the sunshine. We did not complete the two sets of textbook questions for the readings we read and these are not homework, but may be good practice for the test. We ended the class by filling in the review sheets Mrs. Loconte gave us.

Tonight's Homework: Chapter 7 Test (The End of the cold War) tomorrow! 

Other things to note: Amy & Deirdre, your oral presentations are due at the start of next week (Monday?)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Bring the marble jar!

Today we watched Gorbachev's stunning performance for Pizza Hut and a news report from when the Berlin Wall came down. We reviewed yesterday's homework questions about Gorbachev's reforms and the reunification of Germany. Then we listened as Nathan read to us about Yeltsin and the Moscow Coup.

Homework, cause that's what you're here for:

-Finish reading from where we left off up to page 228 in Twentieth Century Viewpoints. Answer 1-5 on page 228. Check out the map on page 227 and skip the Russia Today section, because that's old news now.
-Chapter 7 test is on Friday. It will be a strange, never before attempted, glasnost-esque test. Basically, we have no details, so study.
-Oral reports from Amy, Deirdre, and Dylan due next week.

Image result for gorbachev memesImage result for gorbachev memes
Poor Gorbachev...

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

i want to go home

Today we listened to April and Brian's oral presentations on denazification and the secretary general. We also watched a few videos and went over last night's homework.

Homework: pg. 216 #1-3 and pg. 220 #1-3

Monday, May 6, 2019

For Brian

In today’s class, we took our current events quiz and finished off the chapter on the United Nations in Twentieth Century Viewpoints by learning about the genocide in Rwanda. For homework, complete questions #4-7 on page 205 (TCVP).

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Who doesn't love Guam

Today we had an interesting double block where we first worked on our UN peacekeeping operations and after presented them. We also got a lovely presentation from Dilton (Nikita Kucherev) and Ingram (Tito)

Read Global Forces 160-172 and do Questions 10-14

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Someone Drive Me Home

Today in class we discussed the homework that was given to us the night before. Then we talked about the case study with Mrs.Loconte.

Remember to do your Case Study for tomorrow and to make sure it is done by Second Block.

Idr your different countries so gl.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Feels Like Summer!

Hey everyone!
Today we watched videos of events that took place during the cold war (like about 5 of them); this took the majority of class time. We then finished the class by writing our third and final quiz on the cold war.

Tonight's Homework: Read Pages 153-161 (not page 158) of Global forces and answer #'s 1-6 on pages 172-173.

Monday, April 29, 2019

McDonald's in the USSR

Today we went over our textbook reading (and questions) about Detente and Latin America in the Cold War. We also found out that Mikhail Gorbachev ate a Whopper.

Read pg 160-173 in 20th Century Viewpoints for our final quiz on the Cold War tomorrow

Daily Memes:
Image result for ussr memes mikhail
Image result for mikhail gorbachev memes

Thursday, April 25, 2019

At least we made it through Vietnam

Today in our first short block, we took the second Cold War quiz (I won't say anything else for Ingram's sake). In the second block, we briefly reviewed the Cuban Missile Crisis then moved onto a discussion of the homework questions on the Vietnam war. We will discuss Afghanistan on Monday.


1) Cold War Quiz #3 is moved to TUESDAY!
2) Read to page 173 (Twentieth Century Viewpoints) and answer all questions
3) Oral reports from Dylan, Ingram, April, and Nathan are due at the end of next week. Hopefully you know your topics, cause I don't.

Review sheets were handed out, but not assigned as homework.

Enjoy Endgame and the long weekendeveryone!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

long weekend yay :D

Hi guys this is Brian's post againnn

In today’s class we took our first of 3 quizzes and went over some of the homework questions from previous classes. Prepare for another quiz tomorrow on pages 149-159. Also, where applicable, remember to do your oral reports on your assigned reading. Finally, start considering what movie you would like to write your review on for the second term.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Short Week

You are taking some time to re-do your quiz, 
you're sprucing it up so you sound like a whiz,
Then you're moving along and starting the third act,
Actually, I think it's to the top of pg 61 as a matter of fact.


Today we spent time discussing homework questions and watching videos about the events that led up to the cold war.

Upcoming Quiz Dates 
Quiz 1 Wed (Pages 139-149)
Quiz 2 Thurs (Pages 149-159)
Quiz 3 Mon (160-173)

Tomorrow is Jeans day 


wait a second who typed this on my laptop 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Math is hard

Today in class we listened to all the song presentations, with Nathan, Brian & April singing "Rise", Ingram & Dylan singing "Believer", and Deirdre & Amy singing "The Greatest Show". We also read pages 151-154 from 20th C. Viewpoints and completed all the questions.

Homework: pg. 155-168, #1-8 (20th C. Viewpoints)

Enjoy Easter & find lots of Easter eggs ! (assonance) :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

What Block do you have next Block?

In today's class we were discussing the homework questions that were assigned yesterday. After that we heard Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech concerning the Cold War. 

Tonight's Homework 

Twentieth Century Viewpoints 
Pages 151 - 154 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Temperature-Less-Than-Zero-Degrees War

Today we spent the majority of our sudden double block writing our test on the WWII thus concluding our study of WWII. Then afterwards we spent a small time discussing the new chapter: the Cold War! We also spent a little bit of time on our WWII Song Projects.

Read page 139-151 in the 20th Century Viewpoints textbook and answer Q's 1-8 excluding number 5.
Also take some time to polish up on the song projects that are due on Thursday (oof)

Daily Memes:
Image result for cold war memesImage result for cold war memes
cold.war.memes. The real life event that inspired @avengers Infinity War

#ColdWar #US

Monday, April 15, 2019

Officially Less Than a Term Left of High school! :D

Today in class we finished movie reviews, listening to Brian, April, Ingram, Amy, and Deirdre's presentations. This took the majority of class time, so we ended with only 15 minutes to review for the WW2 test. We covered the causes, main events, and what came out of WW2, as well as vocab and major characters of the war. Make sure you review all these things for the test!

Tonight's Homework: Study for the World War 2 Test tomorrow!

Wednesday: Current events quiz (this was moved from today. Thanks Mrs. Loconte!)
Thursday: World War 2 song presentations are due

Maybe start thinking about which movie you will watch for this term's movie review.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Have mercy on us as you mark, Mrs. Loconte!

Today in History 12, well, I'm not sure we did at the very beginning of the class, but when I came in, the class was watching videos of major WWII events. We then discussed the homework questions on the Holocaust and finished reading Chapter 4 (20th Cent.). After lunch, we worked on our WWII song projects while Mrs. Loconte gardened. This was followed by 2 and a half movie reports from Nathan (Churchill), Dylan (Saving Private Ryan), and Brian (The Imitation Game). We will pick up movie presentations with Brian's video clip on Monday.


Answer all questions on page 131 (20th Century Viewpoints)--due Monday.

Coming to a history class near you...

Monday - Current Events Quiz
Tuesday - WWII Test
Thursday - WWII Song Project

And, some memes for your enjoyment:

Image result for wwii memes

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

#tbt don't forget :)

Hi guys this is Brian's post again

In today’s class, we went over the previous homework questions, as well as worked on the typical matching worksheet that we get at the end of every chapter. We ended class by thinking of ideas and taking a direction for our Historical song Project. For homework, complete questions #1 and 4 on pg.127 in the Twentieth Century Viewpoints textbook, as well as finish the matching worksheet if you haven’t done so already. Finally, don’t forget to have the movie reviews completed for tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Brian Plants Wasabi

Today in class we listened attentively to Winston Churchill's speeches and then watched a couple short films on WWII.

Homework today will be to read 115-119 for the 20th century viewpoints and do questions #1-5

Monday, April 8, 2019

Today's Good Mood is Sponsored by Coffee

Today in class we watched 2 videos about Hitler and his battles that started WWII, then reviewed our homework questions. We also listened to Deirdre's presentation about Winston Churchill.


  • Read pages 131-136 (no questions) - due tomorrow
  • Movie Review - due Apr. 11
  • Drink coffee 

Friday, April 5, 2019

Thanks for driving me home Brian! ;)

Today in class we went over last night's homework. We also started reading more into World War 2 learning about the different battles that occurred in the early stages of the war.

Tonight's Homework

Twentieth Century Viewpoints Page 115 #1-4, 6

Thursday, April 4, 2019

World War Once Again

Today we heard from Amy, about the Long March in China and Nathan about Fransisco Franco in Spain. We also finally started reading WW2 in 20th Century Viewpoints.

Homework for today:
Do all of the questions on page 104 (or 103 I don’t remember the page number)
Also, don’t forget to write your essay about the Power of Japan in 1930s

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Don't "Relieve yourself" without telling someone first!

In today's class we heard Dylan's presentation on Hitler's election campaign propaganda and then discussed last nights textbook reading and questions on Japan and Manchuria. We had the remaining 20 minutes of class to work on our research paper assigned today.


Write a research paper in the form of an essay, based on the Historical Analysis questions on page 113 in your Global Forces Textbook. The research paper should be 2  pages double spaced, include a title page, and have a works cited with a minimum of 4 reliable sources. We will have the first block of tomorrow's class to work on it. DUE FRIDAY APRIL 5! 

Don't forget your movie reviews are due on April 11! One week from now! Don't leave it until the last minute :)

In tomorrow's class we will be hearing oral presentations from both Amy and Nathan.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Curry F(l)avour (coincidentally, I'm having curry for dinner)

Today in class we watched two short review videos, one on the Boxer Rebellion and the other on the Russo-Japanese war. We then moved into a round-desk discussion of our homework questions. Following that, we began reading about China's resurgence.

Tonight's homework:

Read from where we left off on page 103 to page 112 (Global Forces), omitting the case studies and biography. After that, answer the rest of the questions on pages 112-113. Remember, homework needs to be on paper.

Amy and Nathan, your oral reports are due Thursday.

Monday, April 1, 2019

ready for summer already

Hey guys this is Brian's post, sorry for being late I just got home

In today’s class, we finished off the presentations on Nazi propaganda in Germany that we started before the break. We also got a brief overview of the contents of this coming chapter, and went over the the relevant sections from page 98-101. For homework, complete questions #1-8 on page 112, and #1,2 on page 113 (critical analysis) based on the reading mentioned above.

p.s. Brian is blogging tonight

Friday, March 8, 2019

I wish Brian could get sleep

Today we talked about Antisemitism in Europe as well as showed each other propaganda about Germany.

Homework is to read 90-101 of your Global Forces textbook

Thanks to Nathan Lam for the Aroma Diffuser

Make sure to Enjoy your long Break

Thursday, March 7, 2019

I want a snow day :(

Today in class we discussed the homework questions from last night and talked about the different sides to the Nazi party (accomplishments vs ruthlessness). We then watched some scenes from the Encyclopedia of the 20th Century DVD regarding the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the collapse of Germany during WWI, the Treaty of Versailles, the Roaring Twenties, Mussolini & Fascism, and Lenin.

We also read pg. 61-68 and discussed the answers to #8-13 on pg. 68 (refer to photo of the board for answers).


Context: German fears of being overrun by 'subhumans' and other 'undesirables' were raised in the 1930s, but had a long history.

Research Antisemitism, noting especially for how long Jews were persecuted throughout Europe and the Middle East. Create a one page report, double-spaced. In your report consider how anti-Semites, justified their discrimination, when many of them considered themselves belonging to the Christian faith. (1 page double spaced) DON'T FORGET TO PRINT IT OUT

Use 3 sources and include a bibliography. Due tomorrow :(

Also try to be ready to discuss these aspects of German propaganda:
-Ingram: Hitler as the ideal leader
-Nathan: Aryan race
-Brian: Anti-Communism
-Dylan: World War II
-April: Eugenics/Other undesirables
-Deirdre: Anti-Semitism
-Amy: Textbooks/Children's books/Mein Kampf

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Can't believe its been a year since it was my Mission trip oof

Today in class we spent most of the block just writing our tests.

Homework for today is to read pages 52-61 on Global Forces and do #1-7 on page 68.

Oral reports
April: Leni Riefenstahl
Nathan: Francisco Franco

Due date: idk

Why not try an essay (the word essay literally means 'to try' in french)

Goodbye China Bound Children

English 11

If you're here tomorrow, we'll watch the movie,
Bring popcorn and drinks, we'll make it groovy!
We'll keep reading the novel (wrap it up if we can),
But if you're in China, finish it on your own, man!
Remember to finish the questions given out today,
But don't peek till it's over, it gives the ending away.
Friday is the day to hand in your essays for the group,
Or send it over the break--if you don't you're mark'll look like...

. .

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Master Builder

Hey guys,
Today we reviewed for tomorrow’s test and also discussed if Christians lived communally. We also held an informal debate on whether Stalin was a builder or destroyer, and the majority declared he was a builder...
Study hard for the test, no homework tonight!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Why do we call it the GREAT depression?

Hi everyone!
In class today, we reviewed the homework on America's involvement in the war. Mrs. Loconte gave us two review sheets: one for vocab and a graphic organizer of key terms.

Homework for tomorrow: Read pages 93-94 about Stalin in the Twentieth Century Viewpoints textbook and complete the vocab matching review sheets.

Also for tomorrow, read whichever handout you were assigned today in class.
"Does the Book of Acts Command Socialism?" - Nathan, Amy, Ingram, Deirdre
"Did the First Christians Live Communally?" - Brian, Dylan, April

Other Reminders:
Study for the chapter three test which is this Wednesday!
Your movie review is due not until April 11 after spring break. Don't forget about it and leave it to the last minute!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Brian's Blog Post

Hey guys this is Brian's post again :)

In class, we discussed the homework questions about totalitarian fascist regimes in Europe prior to the Second World War, focused primarily on Mussolini and Hitler. For homework, read pages 87-92 and answer all questions on page 92. Study this chapter in preparation for a test on Wednesday the 6th.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Were the early Christians communist?

Today we finished Deirdre and April's presentation on Mussolini, made a dent in Brian and Ingram's on Stalin, and had Amy's on Hitler. We will finish Stalin tomorrow. We reviewed a timeline of Russia prior to Stalin and discussed the homework questions about the USSR, Lenin, and Stalin.


Read pages 75-86 (minus 84-85) and complete questions 1-6. We will discuss 7 in class.
Current events quiz on Monday.

*Mrs. Loconte made an executive decision that all homework for History 12 has to be done in paper. You can type it and print it or write it out by hand, but it has to be on physical paper. Laptops are distracting, apparently.*

Also, I'm really sorry this is late! I just completely forgot about History 12 when I got home.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Compassion vs Lack Thereof

Prior to our presentations today, Ms. Loconte read a passage from the Old Testament (Numbers 25) that had caught her interest before class. She compared the zealousness of God depicted in this passage to a portion of C.S. Lewis' "The Joyful Christian", which shows God's loving side. This was a good reading because the themes of kindness and love contrast with the ruthlessness of leaders we learned about today. Dylan and Nathan presented Lenin (Father of Communism) and April and Deirdre introduced Mussolini.

Homework: Read pg. 69-75 (including bio on Lenin); do all the questions on top of pg. 75 from 20th C which covers the presentation that we had today. Ms. Loconte will not be here tomorrow ("yes" -Ingram) so have them done by Thursday. 

Monday, February 25, 2019

If you don't vote socialism you have no heart

Today in class we learned about the political spectrum and we talked about the economic depression as well as discussed the difference between collective security and balance of power as a means of peace.

Read 20th Century Viewpoints Page 67-68 to learn more about the political spectrum

No Homework but make sure to prepare for the presentations tommorow

Here is a picture of red meat which I have decided to stop eating to become healthier
Red Meat

Friday, February 22, 2019

Why did the Elementary School get a Snow Day?

Today in class we went over the six questions that we got from homework yesterday. Afterwards we read about France and Britain section in Global Forces. 

Homework: Questions 12-17 on pages 48-49 (Global Forces) 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Snow Day Tomorrow?????

Today we spent the first block of class to work on our projects. In our second block, we heard about the tragic Spanish Flu from Brian and the British homefront from Ingram.

Today’s homework: read up to p. 39 in our Global Forces textbook, skip the appropriate pages about Facism and Mussolini.
Questions #1-6 on page 48 when you’re done reading.

*April, we’re all betting on your forecasting skills.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Snow ≠ Snow Day

Image result for calvin and hobbes snow maybe the school busses

This snowy day we had our Chapter 2 test. We were also given our seminar project on the rise of totalitarian regimes, due a week today. The next couple of classes will be time to research and work on them. 


Read your specific section on totalitarian regimes:

Nathan/Dylan: Lenin, read 20th Century Viewpoints pg. 71
Brian/Ingram: Stalin, read 20th Century Viewpoints pg. 93
April/Deirdre: Mussolini, read Global Forces pg. 36-38
Amy: Hitler, read Global Forces pg. 44

Also, unless the whiteboard lied to me or I missed them, Brian and Ingram, your oral reports are due tomorrow.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Be On Time

Hey guys this is Brian's post since he still can't get on the blog :) enjoy

In Thursday’s class we analyzed the main goals of the United States, France, and Britain for the Treaty of Versailles, as well as what Germany had hoped and failed to attain from WW1. After lunch, we organized and performed a debate on the fairness of the Treaty of Versailles, with Dylan, April, and Ingram arguing the affirmative, and Brian, Nathan, and Deirdre arguing against. Both sides were evenly matched to the point where the timeliness of their arrival was the deciding factor.

For homework, we received a matching worksheet as well as a flow chart. Both should be completed in preparation for a WW1 test on Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Monday on a Wednesday

In today's class, we took a short current events bonus quiz (if you missed it do not worry about doing it when you come back). Afterwards, we reviewed our homework questions and talked about the timeline of World War 1 and about key events.

Tonight's Homework: Read pages 55-61 in 20th Century Viewpoints, answer questions #'s 1,2 & 6 on page 61, and be prepared to discuss the rest of the questions in class tomorrow.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Pablo Picasso is a Savage

Today in class we heard about a short case study on Pablo Picasso and the impact of his art in WW1-WW2. We also went over review questions, discussing reasons for the First World War, attitudes towards the war, the Schlieffen Plan and Plan XVII. We ended off the class watching a little bit of a  documentary based on the events of WW1.

Today’s homework: Read up to p. 55, Questions 1-6, but exclude number 4.
Also, don’t forget about a current events quiz next week.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

National Periodic Table Day!

In today's class, we started off the class by asking the review questions that we were assigned last night. We discussed the many different factors that led up to The Great War :( and we went through the important themes such as Nationalism, Economic Rivalry, The Arms Race, and A System of Alliances

Homework for today (Big oof): Read up to Page 46 on Twentieth Century Viewpoints and do Questions 1-4.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Hump Day

The first thing we did in class today was go over the worksheet on Chapter 1. Here are the answers in case you need them:

i) 6   ii) 16   iii) 14   iv) 12   v) 1   vi) 7   vii)   5   viii) 4   ix) 8   x) 13   xi) 15   xii) 2   xiii) 11   xiv) 3
xv) 9   xvi) 10

We also finished our quiz on Chapter 1 of Twentieth Century Viewpoints which involved important themes/subjects such as:
  • Imperialism
  • Capitalism
  • Wars (Boer War, Russo-Japanese War, Boxer Rebellion, South African War)
  • Liberalism, authoritarianism, globalization
  • Universal Suffrage (women's suffrage)
  • Developments in technology: 
    • steam engine, ships, automobiles
    • telephone
After the quiz, we continued our discussion about justifying imperialism and proceeded to look at World War I (Chapter 2). 

Ms. Loconte talked about how the Enlightenment period contrasted from the world war. (Enlightenment & Martin Luther VS "the lamps are going out all over Europe") 

Important terms for everyone to know when reading this chapter are:

1. Alliances: Triple Entente (Great Britain, Russia, France), Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy)
2. Arms (Naval) Race: between Germany & Great Britain
3. Nationalism: devotion and loyalty to one's country
4. Industrialization: mass production of goods - allowed Great Britain, France & Germany to rise to great power
5. German Question: Germany wanting its place in the sun and being able to fight for it if need be
6. Balkan Unrest: people were unhappy in the empire they were subject to and wanted to come together against it

-Read about the Balkan wars and the German Question (pg. 11-13) but don't read Mobilization (unless you really want to). 
-Create review questions based on the reading from in class or tonight, as assigned by Ms. Loconte.
       -Deirdre & Amy: 2 questions from the passages we read in class
       -April: 2 questions for "Balkans: the Powder Keg of Europe"
       -Ingram: 2 questions for "The Balkan Wars"
       -Dylan, Brian, & Nathan: 1 question for "The German Question"
-Dylan: Pablo Picasso presentation (20th Century Viewpoints) due this Friday
-Ingram: British home front presentation (pg. 17, Global Forces) due anytime soon
-Brian: Spanish Influenza presentation (pg. 22, Global Forces) due anytime soon

Please do your homework so that we can get a tally on the board :) 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Fanta was made under Nazi Germany

In today's class, we discussed the questions that we had made ourselves after listening to the podcast on Monday night. We discussed the revisionist history and then we proceeded to review over unit 1 of Twentieth Century Viewpoints..We went through different important terms such as liberalism, imperialism, and Capitalism.

Quiz tomorrow for Chapter 1 Twentieth Century Viewpoints
As well fill up the Textbook Extention Sheet that Mrs. Loconte gave to us (it is a matching exercise)

Just for Fun
(Find a punctuation error :))

Art of the Day

By Nathan Lam 

Guess the meme 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Happy Chinese New Year Eve

In today’s class we reviewed the questions that we did for homework over the weekend. We covered the characteristics of the world’s superpowers and the concept of imperialism. Homework for tomorrow (Tuesday February 5, 2019) is to listen to the podcast (posted earlier I believe), and come up with 5 questions you had from listening to it. Also, read pages 28 and 29 about the justification of imperialism and prepare to argue either for or against it.

How do we know how what we know?

Have a listen to tonight's podcast.
The banter between the two hosts is lively and as entertaining as their topics.
Create 5 questions, either review questions from the show, or questions that the show sparked in you.

est. time 46 min.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Welcome, April and Nathan!

Today we gained two new students! Welcome, April and Nathan, to History 12 with Mrs. Loconte; it's looking like a fun semester :)

In class, we reviewed the terms and ideas we learned in chapter one of Global Forces, such as autarky, hegemony, nation-state, reach, and realpolitik. After that, we selected movies for our movie project. We then reviewed yesterday's homework about the turn of the century: advancements in communications and transportation greatly forwarded globalization; women suffragists fought for enfranchisement; most people were farmers and many moved to the US in search of a better life. Continuing on, we watched some videos giving insight into the Belle Epoque and the lifestyle disparities between the rich and poor before WWI.

Today's homework:

  • Read to page 27 in Twentieth Century Viewpoints and answer the four questions found there. 
  • Read a couple of stories from the Everyday Sexism Project:
  • For April and Nathan: read chapter one of Global Forces and prepare for a quiz on Monday.
Have a great weekend! Don't get lost in the rain!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

I Don't Know What to Title This..

Today in class we discussed the podcast on democracy that was for homework the night before. We finished chapter 1 in the Global Issues textbook and answered questions #'s 1-3 at the end of it. For the second block, we reviewed chapter 1, discussed the vocab and linked key ideas, and then took a quiz.

homework due tomorrow: read up to page 15 in the Twentieth Century Viewpoints textbook and answer questions 1-3, as well as look over the movie review sheet passed out in class today. Have your movie chosen by tomorrow?